Rest into the quiet of the evening and take some time for your own well-being.


Each Monday, for just 40 minutes, put down your “to-do list”, let your body settle, and offer yourself some calm that can impact the whole week.

The spring series begins February 7th!

The  demands on all of us are huge right now.  Our focus will be on mindfulness practices that can be deeply supportive  AND that we can actually weave into the small moments of everyday life .

There is something powerful about gathering with like-minded people, and in making the weekly commitment to self-care.

Gently and over time, mindfulness fosters calm, clarity and steadiness so that we can:

  • find balance when things are difficult

  • stay true to what matters

  • show up as our best selves for our family, friends, students and colleagues

  • step off the treadmill of our busy minds (at least for a few moments)

  • set down the inner voice of judgment and self-criticism

  • savor the good in our lives right now

  • feel nourished ourselves so that we can care for each other and our world

  • find a bit more ease and relief

What do participants say?

“Our class last night was deeply NOURISHING; thank you for creating this cohort, space and community of learning. “

“This has been the highlight of my day.  You have no idea of how powerful it is to have these meetings.  I really look forward to it.  I love the beauty of the images you use.  I just love it.  It is renewing my practice.”

”These evening meditations have been such a special, peaceful moment of light for me among all the wildness of COVID. Thank you, Liz for your masterful facilitation.” 

I hope you will join me!

Monday Nights:  February 7th - May 16th (excepting school holidays)

8:00 - 8:40 PM  (Come for the whole session or just stay for the meditation!)

All sessions are recorded. Join live or listen on your own time.


  • Brief Mindful Movement

  • Check in and Connect

  • Guided Meditation 

  • Reflection - in partners, small groups or journalling

  • Sweet Dreams!

Support and Encouragement During the Week:

  • THE NEXT DAY: You will receive a recording of the live session, a brief summary and practice suggestions.

  • DURING THE WEEK: You will receive a guided 3 - 5 minute meditation AND a mid-week email for inspiration and momentum.

Special for Teachers or Parents

  • Woven into our sessions will be brief tips or practices you can use with kids.

  • If you need to get kids to bed, you can always leave early, after the meditation.

The registration link is now closed.

For any further registration, please reach out to me: CONTACT LIZ

Full Fee: $360 to include Monday night sessions, mid-week support, ongoing access to me for any questions, and a bonus North Star intention setting session.

50% EDUCATOR DISCOUNT: Whether you are currently teaching or retired, I honor the work that you do! Use coupon code EDUCATOR for your 50% discount.

IF YOU ARE NEW - try 2 weeks without paying to see if this is right for you. Use the coupon code 2FREE when registering.

SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST: No one will be turned away due to financial constraints. If you wold like a reduced fee please reach out: CONTACT LIZ.


  • The option to have Mindfulness Buddies - partners or small pods to practice together and encourage each other during the week - perhaps 5 or 10 minutes of silent meditation at lunchtime once a week: whatever your and your buddy or group feel is supportive.

  • BONUS: Optional North Star session: a special intention setting session to help each of set heart-aligned goals.

A few more words from participants:

  • “I feel like I am building a toolkit of internalized strategies for self-calming.”

  • “It is nourishing to share this time with others and deeply and personally rewarding to practice in this way.  I love the meditations and the topics.”

  • “A touch of joy in a dark time.”

  • “Each time, this has been the perfect end to the day.”

  • “Liz’s meditations are hypnotic and always filled with compassion.”

Join my newsletter HERE for updates, resources, and reflections.

Mindfulness can help us unwind, feel more rested, climb off the mental treadmill, and find a sense of balance that can be deeply nourishing. It can help us live more authentically and stay true to what really matters.” - Liz